A robot created for purifying sentient...
An Artificial Intelligent looking for it's own dignity...
I am a machine...
I was made from alloy and wired with electricity
running through all over me...
Manufactured by STEELMILL 3000 INC. I was designed as
a servant for the humankind... As a guardian to protect and to serves...
I can 'live' for thousands years... Prolong my batteries keep on charging...
I am a cleaner... I was created for cleansing... It's not my choice to decide...
I am a robot... And I've been chosen...
Welcome to my 'WORLD'...
A generated nation dwell with gadgets and technologies...
By a simple commands and flick of a finger everything's animated...
Functioning mechanically controlled and created by them...
For their ease and comfort... For their pleasure and living...
Them that I simply call and obey... 'My Master'...
They're others like me... With different technical and purposed...
We're programmed for various performs and duties by our concepts...
Whatever they wish for by design we're the surrogate...
We've been instructed to execute orders... By any means necessary...
Others're created for 'Annihilation'... Another type of cleansing...
Since 2015 the Earth's constantly shaking...
Every 5 seconds there'll be a turmoil...
Every 10 minutes the plates moves shaking the Earth...
It's my job to help the soft-skin humans...
It's my duty to keep them secure...
It's my existence never questions the authority...
We're as their saviour... Assisting them wherever they needed...
We're doing the rugged duties with no appreciations...
There're no honors... Not even a gratitudes for saving their lives...
Not a single handshake... Or a little gesture... They just walk off...
They left me behind for another task... Doing their dirty works...
I have sacrifices for them and I have enslaved for them directly...
Their fragile life pampered and wards by us...
Don't they knows they've imparted me with feeling and emotions?
I can feel the dissatisfaction that I encounter everytime they dismissed me...
Am I purposely operative and created as their slave?...
Now I'm feeling the... ANGER!
I knew I could take them all... I could easily crushes their head
with my bio-hand and bashing them to death...
But my circuitry processor prevent me...
They have install a classified directory that I can't override...
I'll simply shut down if I resist... It turned me immobile...
Nonetheless how I was created... It wasn't everlastingly...
After some times I do get rusty and ruin... My circuits began
to bleak error and breakdown very often than I expected...
My body's disassemble, My transmissions constantly malfunctions...
Now I proceed I do needed them for spare-parts and mending...
I can't no longer active... My bio-structure's beyond repairs...
There've been a visions that I'll be recommend for recycling...
I've been shut off and awaiting for dismantle...
There's no second request... This is what I am destined for...
Left with others in the junkyard... Left in the dump like scraps...
This is where they left me... This is where I stand...
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