A one man force of law... Uphold the justice and behold the rights...
For him the only truth's beyond the blacks and whites...
The world we living in... There's too much at stakes...
The crime waves advancing at higher levels...
I'm the Law futures... I'm working for the law...
I uphold the laws and justices... But that wasn't enough...
The vices need something to fear... To be kept remember...
Something that put a shiver in their spines...
Something that sparks and deliver an illusions of dreads...
And I've the perfect idea... I created it myself...
It must be smart... It must be trusted and rugged...
It's conceive to be courteous in my own palm...
It should be arrested cold with supreme apprehension...
It'll turned their morality fag out into zero...
It's a beauty on it's own way...
I've learned everything that I need to knows...
A simplified mechanical jugged with complexity...
It'll reduced the number of ballistics stray...
It shall not fall into the wrong hands...
I've made my own seal none others could functions it...
With special arm entrust with special bullets...
The trajectories filtered for maximum impact...
The recoils dampened by it minimum weight...
It should be able to penetrate the toughest metal as possible...
Behold my creation of judgment...
My companion and I'll withstand any resistance occurs...
We're bounds together for greater threats...
Justice's best served in cold...
Meet my 'Lawmaker'... Welcome to my reign...
Against a mercenary judge...
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